

Tagliere di salumi €16,00

Platter of mixed cured italian meats, Parma ham, coppa from Piacenza, Nostrano Salami

Tagliere di formaggi €16,00

Platter of mixed cheeses 4 different cheeses according to season

Tagliere di salumi e formaggi €24,00

Platter of mixed cured italian meats, Parma ham, coppa from Piacenza, Nostrano Salami and mixed cheeses 2 different cheeses according to season

Prosciutto e melone €14,00

Parma ham and melon

Caprese di bufala €14,00

Caprese salad, tomato and fresh mozzarella

Insalata di mare €16,00

Mix seafood salad, prawns, calamari, mussels, octopus, pepper, oil olive, parsley and lemon

Carpaccio di salmone affumicato norvegese €18,00

Salmon Carpaccio, fresh parsley

First dishes

Risotto alla milanese €28,00

(x 2 persone min.)

Milanese style risotto, saffron, parmesan cheese

Lasagna €14,00

Pasta fresca casera con salsa di carne (Ternera adulta)

Fresh homemade pasta with meat sauce (adult beef and veal)

Spaghetti alla carbonara €14,00

Spaghetti Carbonara, eggs, pancetta, cream

Spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino €14,00

Spaghetti with, olive oil, garlic chilly and fresh parsley

Penne alla Oscar €14,00

(panna, pomodoro, prezzemolo, whisky, peperoncino e formaggio grana)

Penne with Oscar style sauce (fresh tomatoes, cream, brandy, fresh chilly, parmesan and parsley)

Penne all’arrabbiata €14,00

Penne Arrabbiata, tomato sauce, chilly, fresh parsley

Penne al ragù €14,00

Penne with bolognaise sauce

Penne ai quattro formaggi €14,00

Penne with four cheeses sauce

Tagliatelle alla Oscar €14,00

(pasta fresca fatta in casa)

Tagliatelle with Oscar style sauce, fresh eggspasta (fresh tomatoes, cream, brandy, fresh chilly, parmesan and parsley)

Tagliatelle al ragù €14,00

(pasta fresca fatta in casa)

Tagliatelle with bolognaise sauce, fresh eggs pasta

Tagliatelle ai funghi porcini €16,00

(pasta fresca fatta in casa)

Tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms

Gnocchi alla Oscar €14,00

(pasta fresca fatta in casa)

Potatoes gnocchi with Oscar style sauce (fresh tomatoes, cream, brandy, fresh chilly, parmesan and parsley)

Gnocchi al ragù €14,00

(pasta fresca fatta in casa)

Potatoes gnocchi with bolognaise sauce

Gnocchi al gorgonzola €14,00

(pasta fresca fatta in casa)

Gnocchi with Gorgonzola bluecheese sauce

Ravioli Oscar €14,00

Pasta home made with spinach and cheese with Oscar style sauce (fresh tomatoes, cream, brandy, fresh chilly, parmesan and parsley)

Bucatini all’amatriciana €56,00

(x 4 persone) min. 30 minuti

Bucatini with tomato, pancetta, onion, garlic, fresh parsley and pecorino romano cheese

Fish first dishes

Linguine all’astice €50,00

(x 2 persone)

Linguine with lobster

Risotto ai frutti di mare €30,00

(x 2 persone)

Rice with mix seafood (Squid, shrimp, mussels, fresh tomato, clams and parsley)

Spaghetti ai frutti di mare €18,00

Mix seafood spaghetti (Squid, shrimp, mussels, fresh tomato, clams and parsley)

Spaghetti alle vongole €18,00

Spaghetti with clams

Spaghetti alle cozze €16,00

Spaghetti with mussels

Tagliatelle al salmone €14,00

Fresh eggs tagliatelle with salmon and cream

Meat second dishes

Filetto alla griglia €30,00

Grilled fillet steak

Filetto al pepe verde €32,00

Fresh green pepper fillet steak

Filetto alla Voronoff €32,00

Vornoff style fillet steak (mustard sauce)

Filetto alla rucola €32,00

Grilled fillet steak with fresh rocket

Filetto ai funghi porcini €32,00

Fillet steak with porcini mushrooms and cream

Tagliata di filetto al rosmarino €30,00

Tagliata of fillet steak with rosemary olive oil

Carpaccio di filetto €30,00

Fillet steak carpaccio (served with celery, rocket salad and parmesan)

Costata ai ferri €30,00

Grilled Tbone steak 500gr

Cotoletta alla milanese €25,00

Milanese style cotoletta, crumbed and fried veal meat

Salsiccia di suino alla piastra €18,00

Italian grilled sausage

Salsiccia di suino con cipolle di tropea €20,00

Italian grilled sausage with Tropea onions

Grigliata di carne mista €40,00

(x 2 persone)

Grilled Tbone steak 500gr

Fiorentina €60,00

(x 2 persone)

Beef Fiorentine steak

Fish second dishes

Gamberoni (5 pz.) €30,00

Prawns 6 pieces

Fritto misto €22,00

Mixed fried fish

Zuppa di cozze €16,00

Mussel soup, cherry tomatoes, fresh parsley

Zuppa di vongole €16,00

Clams soup, white wine sauce

Side dishes

Insalata mista €6,00

Mix leaves salad

Patate al Forno

Baked baby potatoes

Spinaci aglio, olio e peperoncino €6,00

Fresh pan fried spinach with olive oil, garlic and fresh chilly

Spinaci al burro €6,00

Butter pan fried fresh spinach

Pane, coperto e servizio IVA inclusa €3,00

Bread, cover and VAT included

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